Tiger Stick Bat Wax Sports Grip; All Purpose Sports Grip
If you want the best, you're in the right place.
The one, the only, the authentic. Tiger Stick

Same best selling product for over 30 years!
For use with a wide variety of sports and uses
Most highly used & requested bat sports grip by MLB®
Stickiness & consistency you can trust every time
Capable of large quantity wholesale production as needed
Don't trust knockoffs and imitations! Fly by night brands come & go for a reason.
Our reputation & brand was built over 30+ years now.. we earned that trust for a reason
This is the only site that sells the official Tiger Stick®: Keep Your Woody Sticky© apparel and accessories.
You will find Tiger Stick at most major sporting Goods stores.
Be sure our name is on the stick to assure it's the real thing...be careful of cheap imitations by other companies-
the product CANNOT be duplicated.
You can tell the difference the minute you touch it and see it...there's only 1 Tiger Stick.

We sell wholesale in large quantity to sporting goods stores, distributors/bat companies, MLB teams/teams of all sorts.
Please click on "Wholesale" to read more about wholesale buying information and approval process to release pricing and minimums.
To succeed, you need to surround yourself with the best.
Best people, best products, best companies...that's who we are. Our reputation speaks for itself.
Carrying 1 of the most trusted brand names in baseball will help your company's marketing & sales efforts...
And remember....Keep your Woody Sticky!

Best people, best products, best companies...that's who we are. Our reputation speaks for itself.
Carrying 1 of the most trusted brand names in baseball will help your company's marketing & sales efforts...
And remember....Keep your Woody Sticky!